The plum tree specialists at Aguilar Plant Care strive to ensure the health and vitality of your purple plum trees through expert pest management. Learn more about one of the most damaging insects, the pear slug, and how to recognize and effectively control them.

purple plum leaf with pear slug and feeding damage

How do pear slugs damage plum trees?

Pear slug larvae skeletonize newly emerged leaves and remove leaf tissue of the populated leaf. Damaged leaves will prematurely drop, leaving bare plum tree limbs during the growing season. The defoliation of purple plum trees can cause reduced bloom growth and fruit maturity.

purple plum trees with premature leaf drop due to damage from pear slugs
ornamental purple plum tree

 What pest attacks purple plum trees?

Ornamental purple plum trees are commonly attacked by pear slug larvae (sawfly) in the late spring when new growth develops. Pear slugs are not true slugs but actual larvae of the sawfly. The sawflies typically lay eggs in the upper portion of the canopies. Once the larvae emerge and begin feeding, their slimy coating appears black as shown in the picture to the left.

purple plum tree leaves damaged by pear slugs

What is the treatment for plum tree pear slugs?

Plum tree pear slugs can be treated with insecticide. Initial treatments should be timed and made as the plum tree flowers drop, and new leaves are emerging during April and May. A follow up treatment should be scheduled during the summer.

Along with insecticide treatment, promoting ideal growing conditions is essential for long term purple plum tree health. Proper water, pruning and nutrients can all help in the management of pear slugs.

Contact Our Plum Tree Specialists

Healthy, thriving ornamental plum trees enhance your property’s value and beauty. With proper treatment, the plum tree specialists at Aguilar Plant Care will protect your trees from damaging pear slugs. Contact us at 760-294-2727 to schedule a consultation and ensure the vitality of your trees.